By H.E Mr Carlos Miguel Pereira

Director General
Strategic Planning and Coordination
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cuba

Date: Wednesday, 20 April 2016
Venue : ISIS Conference Room, Level 2 


The simultaneous announcements by the presidents of Cuba and the United States on December 17, 2014 marked a turning point and the beginning of a new stage in the relations between the two countries. Important and unprecedented decisions were taken as a result of negotiations on the basis of respect, equality and reciprocity. The US government admitted the failure of its policy against Cuba and its ensuing international isolation. For the first time, a President of the United States expressed his opposition to the blockade and urged Congress to lift it. The restoration of diplomatic relations on July 20, 2015 initiated a long and complex process towards normalization. Profound differences still exist between both governments and problems accumulated over more than 55 years will have to be resolved. The new approach implies a change of methods and tactics, but does not modify the strategic objective of the US policy aimed at reversing the economic and political system of Cuba. Traditional political instruments like the blockade and the promotion of subversion are still in force.

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