The struggle for state power and recognition between competing factions in the aftermath of Myanmar’s February 1 coup is worsening social unrest across the country, while Asean is under pressure to take the lead in persuading the multiple factions to resolve their differences peacefully, but itself remains divided on its course of action. 

Where is the path forward?

Below is our take on the issue.

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    Asean must act on to achieve consensus points

    by Tashny Sukumaran

    Asean member states should also be wary of forestalling dialogue efforts by paying undue heed to the principle of non-interference. It must continue discussions and check in to avoid meetings being viewed as mere rhetoric – this would be disastrous for both the people of Myanmar and Asean itself.

    Read her article

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    Why Asean must deal with the generals

    by Thomas Daniel

    There are no quick and clear solutions to the violence in Myanmar. The Tatmadaw, as reprehensible as they are, are a stakeholder that policymakers have to engage with. Asean needs to deal with the situation as it is, not as it would like it to be.

    Read his article



    Ambassador Pou Sothirak

    Ambassador Rizal Sukma

    Ms Gwen Robinson

    Mr Stephan Pierre Sakalian



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