As borders closed throughout the region, its knock-on effects began to reverberate, affecting labour and supply chains, services and capital, and human mobility. Beyond economics, what are the human and political costs of border shutdowns in Southeast Asia? 

Below is our take on the issue.

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    The other victim of the coronavirus: Multilateralism

    by Thomas Daniel

    Predictably, the virus has begun to exacerbate cracks in the existing international multilateral system that underpins much of our global and regional architectures and mechanisms. Some of this can be attributed to systemic flaws underpinning the international system.  

    But it is the action – or lack thereof by political leaders, elected or otherwise – that have aggravated these fissures, writes Thomas Daniel.

    Read his article

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    The Covid-19 crisis: Is Malaysia losing its middle class?

    by Calvin Cheng

    The disruptive effects of the pandemic have been severe enough that the new normal of policymaking appears to be reactive rather than proactive. Proactive planning is extraordinarily difficult as policymakers face realities that keep changing at breakneck pace – sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse.

    Hear Calvin Cheng break down the issue here.

    Hear his interview

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    Moving forward with challenges in migration issues

    by Thomas Daniel 

    COVID-19 has complicated migration, with a pause being put on migrant labour flows, and concerns about how this could worsen the problem of human trafficking. Thomas Daniel discusses how the pandemic has affected migration trends in the region.

    Hear his interview



Mr Herman Joseph S Kraft

Associate Professor Simon Tay

Dr David Capie

Dr Sarena Che Omar



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