By Shahriman Lockman which appeared in Japan Spotlight, May/June 2011, pp. 32-35. |
Asia’s Security Amid Shifting Power Balances
Shahriman Lockman
Shahriman’s research interests include Malaysian foreign and defence policies, Southeast Asian maritime security affairs, and Malaysia-China relations, including in the context of the South China Sea. He also manages the institute’s China Engagement Initiative, which promotes Track-Two dialogue between Malaysia and China. Shahriman was a consultant to the Defence Ministry on Malaysia’s inaugural Defence White Paper (2019), specifically on budgeting and implementation issues. He was also Malaysia’s representative in an academic assessment of common security challenges impacting the Five-Power Defence Arrangements (FPDA) nations for 2020-2031 for the FPDA Policy Group (FPG). He is a member of the Malaysian chapter of the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific (CSCAP). He holds a Master of Strategic Affairs from the Australian National University.