As the organisers of the East Asia Congress, the EAEC needs to ensure that the topics to be discussed are always relevant and that the best resource people are chosen to lead the discussions on them. It is for this reason that the East Asia Congress Network or EAC Net has been specifically created.

The EAC Net comprises those who have expressed their willingness to participate with us in the planning and review process by providing updates, ideas and suggestions. There are no financial costs to members and they are automatically invited to attend the East Asia Congresses.

The success of a healthy and thriving community of East Asian nations depends crucially on the active interest and voluntary participation of dedicated individuals. If you wish to register your interest in being a member of EAC Net, kindly download and complete the membership form, and email or fax it to the Centre.

EAC Net Membership Form

EAC Net Members (as of 31 December 2003)

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