Fourth East Asia Congress Reports, 3-5 December 2006
(PDF files & Power Point files)
“China Threat” Perception: A Major Obstacle to East Asian Community Building by Zhang Xizhen (78 K)
Enhancing East Asian Economic Integration: Strategic Issues, Critical Imperatives by Zhou Qing (136K)
Enhancing East Asian Economic Integration: Some Observations and Notes by J. Soedradjad Djiwandono (134K)
East Asian Economic Integration: Finance to Catch Up Trade by Yonghyup Oh (2,544K)
How to Realize EAFTA: Views from Joint Expert Group by Zhang Yunling (49K)
Early Industrializers and Latecomers in ASEAN: Coping with Japanese and Chinese Manufacturing by Kenichi Ohno (401K)
Reducing EA Development Gap: Strategic Issues by Nattapong Thongpakde (76 K)
Cambodia and Development: Ready for the Opportunity? by Chay Navuth (11,836 K)
Closing the East Asia-Vietnam Economic Development Gap: Strategic Issues and Prospect by Nguyen Dinh Tai (78K)
Promoting Human Development in East Asia: Strategic Issues and Current Imperatives by Aniceto C. Orbeta (104K)
The Asian Identity: China, India and Japan by Eiji Yamashita (61K)
Creating an East Asia Common Identity in a Changing World by Kun Zhai (378K)
Globalisation, Regionalisation and Choices Facing by Ryokichi Hirono (110K)
Fourth East Asia Congress Conference Programme