

The Malaysian economy has undergone significant economic and social transformations since the 1980s and has had to face a constantly evolving set of challenges. Much of this has can be attributed to the combination of sound macroeconomic growth and dynamic development policies. Given the openness of the economy, international transactions of trade in goods and services, capital, technology and labour have been crucial to ensuring the dynamism and competitiveness of the Malaysian economy.


The focus is on practical and policy-oriented research on subjects and issues of importance to the national economy, including regional and international developments. It closely monitors major developments on the global and national fronts and maintains a readiness to provide well-considered views, opinions and recommendations. Among other things, it:-

  • Monitors current and emerging issues pertaining to Malaysia’s economy and how the country can interact with the regional economies, in particular, Asean, East Asia, the Asia Pacific, European Union, as well as developing South countries.
  • Participates in international conferences, seminars and workshops to exchange information, analyses and opinions.
  • Prepares policy memoranda, information notes, media articles and conference papers and presentations on a wide variety of subject matter.
  • Undertakes consultancy projects with special focus on the strengths and weaknesses of the Malaysian growth and development model, and in collaboration with such international organizations as the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and World Trade Organization (WTO).
  • Organize international and regional conferences, seminars and workshops on national, regional and international economic issues.
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